Impact, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Portable and Wearable Hemodialysis


Lino Ferreira

Date & Time

May 11, 12:00-13:00h


Euclides Pires Auditorium - UC-Biotech Cantanhede


Not Mandatory

Thursday, May 11, 2023, 12pm

Impact, Innovation and Entrepreneurship with Portable and Wearable Hemodialysis

Buddy D. Ratner, Departments of Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering, University of Washington

Euclides Pires Auditorium - UC-Biotech Cantanhede

Lino Ferreira



In 1962 in Seattle, chronic hemodialysis on humans was first used successfully to address end stage kidney disease (ESKD). Since that time, we now have 4.5 million people worldwide receiving life-prolonging dialysis treatments three times a week – the therapy sustains their lives. However, the pain and complications of kidney dialysis are tragic for ESKD patients and the costs to society are huge (>$130B/yr). The Center for Dialysis Innovation (CDI) at the University of Washington is focused on rethinking dialysis that has not changed significantly since 1962. We aim to develop an ambulatory dialysis system, the AKTIV (Ambulatory Kidney to Improve Vitality). To retool dialysis, we will need improved blood waste cleansing, painless blood access, new blood compatible materials, skin healing and prevention of biofilm formation. Enhancements that can revolutionize how dialysis is performed will be discussed in this talk along with efforts to take innovation from the lab bench to the patient.


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